Ballbar data will quantify faults in the machine center such as servo mismatch, stick-slip error, straightness of the axes, lateral play, backlash, reversal spikes, circularity error, scale, and machine geometry. Each of these conditions can be trended over time.
Predictive Maintenance should be like a Physical – A Medical Metaphor
Imagine it is time for your yearly physical. You feel just fine, but you know it is important to get regular checkups to make sure you stay healthy. Therefore, you call your doctor and make an appointment. Now imagine you are in the exam room. Your doctor walks in,...
Setting a Baseline for Vibration Analysis
Vibration analysis is a vital component of successful predictive maintenance (PdM) programs. To ensure the vibration program is accurate and effective, steps need to be taken ahead of time. First, a list of critical equipment must be established. Next, the data...
Case Study: Addressing Structural Issues with Motion Amplification
One of our clients reached out to us after receiving their most recent vibration report and expressed concern about a cooling fan’s excessively high vibration amplitudes. After some discussion, ATS came on site to use the Iris M to take motion amplification video to...
RDI Technologies Adds Frequency Based Filtering to Iris M
RDI Technologies announced a huge update for their flagship product, the Iris M: frequency based filtering. The update adds an exciting new element to the existing Motion Amplification video processing software. Users are now able to isolate individual frequencies in...
Detecting Corona in High Voltage Systems
A potentially destructive phenomenon occurring in high voltage electrical systems is corona. Corona occurs when the air surrounding a conductor is ionized, causing an electrical discharge. Corona discharge represents a power loss, and can damage system components over...
Start Small and Build Support
Picture this: you are a maintenance manager who is in the planning stages for a new predictive maintenance (PdM) program. Other initiatives like this have failed in the past, but you are determined to change the maintenance culture in your facility. To enable this,...