Predictive Maintenance Blog

Predictive Maintenance Certifications
In our last blog entry, we compared the work Advanced Technology Solutions does to a high-quality physical—a workup that looks for potential problems before they become acute. Let’s imagine ourselves back in that doctor’s office again…. Doctors like to reassure their patients that they know what...

Predictive Maintenance should be like a Physical – A Medical Metaphor
Imagine it is time for your yearly physical. You feel just fine, but you know it is important to get regular checkups to make sure you stay healthy. Therefore, you call your doctor and make an appointment. Now imagine you are in the exam room. Your doctor walks in, scrubs up, and turns to face...

Setting a Baseline for Vibration Analysis
Vibration analysis is a vital component of successful predictive maintenance (PdM) programs. To ensure the vibration program is accurate and effective, steps need to be taken ahead of time. First, a list of critical equipment must be established. Next, the data collector and software package to be...