Predictive Maintenance Blog

What’s With Bob? – Episode 4
Bob got his bounce back. Sounds like Bob made a compelling case to management. Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc. is back on the job helping him get the most from his company’s Condition Monitoring Program. The newfangled system management put in place was only delivering data that was 76%...

What’s With Bob – Episode 3
Why is Bob pulling his hair out? “Newfangled” isn’t necessarily better. What Bob's coworkers don't know is that management's move to an online Predictive Maintenance Program means the collected data is overwhelming—and possibly unreliable. Bob needs to call his longtime partners at ATS. Even if...

What’s With Bob? – Episode 2
What's going on is Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc., the premiere provider of Reliability Driven Predictive Maintenance Programs. Ubeknownst to Frank, ATS has been monitoring his plant's equipment for months. ATS's state-of-the-art predictive maintenance service has kept Bob in the black by...